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Upcoming Trainings and Events

Orientation to Community Action Webinar

Offered quarterly – Next date: Feb. 12th 9-10AM CST

Register here.

This interactive webinar covers an overview of the mission and uniqueness of Community Action, the national Community Action Theory of Change, an introduction to a few key national, regional, and state Community Action partners, and shares ways you can access additional resources and support through ICAA.

Online Introduction to ROMA Training

3-day series – 3 hours/day

What does it mean to be results-oriented? The Community Action network is invited to join National Certified ROMA Trainers from Iowa to learn about the basic concepts related to Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA), including the history of Community Action and our mission, the role of Community Needs Assessments, and strategies for measuring lives changed. 

To schedule this training, email Tiffany Keimig,