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Grant Writing Search Engines

The Iowa Grants Guide


The Iowa Grants Guide is a database of nearly 700 funders in Iowa or with an Iowa connection. Grant opportunities can be sorted by county, focus, and amount.



You can enjoy a 14-day free trial but it is pricey after that. Might be a good resource to dig into for a few weeks to get an idea of what avenues for grants are out there and then ending the subscription. Their collection of information is vast and easy to navigate. Instrumentl also has a number of free articles and videos you can explore (some are linked to below).

Iowa Grant Watch


Limited information is available for free. $18/week subscription (discounts if you commit for more time, for example, a year is only $200).


Iowa government specific grant opportunities. Limited listings with mostly Economic Development, Education, and Public Health focuses

Iowa Community Foundations


Your local Community Foundation can be a great source for funds and connections to donors in your area. This link will take you to a map where you can identify your local Community Foundation and dig into their opportunities from there. If you are interested in ICAA taking a deeper dive into opportunities available by your Foundation, please let us know! Click here for a Guide on Corporate & Foundation Relations by the University of Iowa.

Iowa United Ways


Local United Ways are another source for identifying funders/donors. This link will take you to a list of United Ways in Iowa. If you are interested in ICAA taking a deeper dive into opportunities available by your local United Way, please let us know!


Search for discretionary funding opportunities from federal agencies and apply directly on this site.



Allows searches by private, Federal, and State funding opportunities. Searches can be narrowed by target populations, geography, and area of interest. ICAA has a subscription to this service. If your Agency is interested in assistance locating grant opportunities, please contact Katherine (

Do you know of other grant writing tools and resources that would benefit the Community Action network? Have a particular resource or template you’re looking for?