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Donate to Iowa Community Action Association

Iowa Community Action Association (ICAA) has been serving the state for 40 years! During this time, we have continuously worked to educate, advocate for, and connect Iowa’s 16 Community Action Agencies, all with the purpose of alleviating the causes and conditions of poverty.

Your support of ICAA’s mission and vision makes a difference in the lives of Iowa’s most vulnerable. 

Donations at this link support the operations of the Association.


PO Box #41608
Des Moines, IA 50311

Donate to Embrace Iowa

Embrace Iowa is a joint project between ICAA, a 501c3 organization, and the Des Moines Register. The Des Moines Register takes a leadership role in sharing the real life stories of Iowans who are struggling to meet their most basic needs and educates the people of Iowa about the barriers and struggles the families are facing. Poverty is a complex issue, but through Embrace Iowa, the Des Moines Register helps explain the difficulties some families face in their efforts to improve their lives. With the knowledge Iowans have gained through Embrace Iowa, they respond with a generous spirit by financially supporting Embrace Iowa.

The impact of Embrace Iowa 
is incalculable.  For many Iowans, these funds will assist in removing a barrier preventing them from improving their life. A family may need a car repair to get back and forth to work or school or a bed for a good night’s sleep, making work or school a better experience.


PO Box #10611
Cedar Rapids, IA 52410-0611

Embrace Iowa

2024 -2025


$418,492.57 raised from 949 Donors.

Thank you Iowans!

Donate Online or by Mail

Embrace Iowa

Online Donation Platform Coming Soon!


Embrace Iowa

Mail to:

PO Box #10611
Cedar Rapids, IA 52410-0611

Iowa Community Action Association

Mail to:

PO Box #41608
Des Moines, IA 50311